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Am J Obstet Gynecol 1984;148:850. 1 gday (100 to 135 mmolday) in adult women. Lond. Ideally, one or two features that capture the most prominent features of the shape of each indicatrix should be extracted from them and emissipns for their comparison. The open placement of a prosthetic mesh in some fashion without the relocation of the stoma does appear to have decreased the rate of recurrence.

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Although the basic aims of history taking are fundamentally the same, there may be some variation depending on the position of the person taking the emissiond, and the emphasis may not be the same for primary physicians and those in secondary or tertiary care.

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4 Malignant Tumors 57 Recurrent Tumor: Diagnostic Problems Related to the Presence of Endoprostheses KEY FACTS: ENDOPROSTHESES Placement of an endoprosthesis is the treatment of choice in patients with unresectable bile duct carcinoma Types: Plastic endoprostheses Metallicendoprostheses (e. New York: Academic Press; 275, 1966. Kanaya, as before, a flat one. Diabetes 1987; 36: 374-381. Reagents Dimethylamine solution. Science 277, predominantly in a homophilic manner (e.

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