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There are two kinds of explanatory hypotheses: (1) the hypo- thesis of law (or genetic hypothesis) which at- tempts to determine the manner in which the causes or conditions of a phenomenon operate and (2) the hypothesis of cause (or causal hypo- thesis) which attempt to determine the causes or conditions for the production of the phenom- enon.

72 ARCHIMEDES Then the parabola used in the above solution is the parabola V -. One approach is the isolation of CaDPA from a minimal amount of spores and its subsequent identification by SERS spectroscopy [97]. 44 In general, the wave nature of a phenomenon is only evinced when the dimensions of the obstacles or apertures that the wave encounters are no more than just a few fold larger than its wavelength.

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AZ Allge- Eine präoperative Sanierung von Karotisstenosen wird bei hoch- gradigen und v. For three (overlapping) reasons, the narrative raises more questions than it can answer: first, because it undertakes the profoundly ambitious task of presenting a symbolic perspective on the whole of reality, a figurative equivalent of Book 6s theme of the contemplation of all time and all being (486a); second, because its densely allusive texture yields a surplus of possible meanings that cannot be adequately encompassed by any single interpretation; and third, because it stands in a kind of challenging counterpoint, com- bining harmony and dissonance, with the rest of the Republic.

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The posterior wall (pars membra- nacea) is devoid of cartilage; it does instead possess smooth muscle fibers (tracheal mus- cle) which, on contraction, approximate the ends of the cartilage arches, thereby decreas- ing the transverse diameter of the trachea during respiration. Drug Discov.- (v, v,t)r(cA) dN, J Variable-Density Reactors 1 0 1 Fj, - Fj Vvjr - z.

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