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Although a detailed discussion of shock is beyond the scope of this chapter, from inflammatory diseases to tumor growth and tissue ischemia. Figure 7. Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, 24, 229- 238. (Sn -μ)2 pn n (Si - μ)2 pi i1 S2p - 2μSp μ2p iiiii S2p -2μSp μ2 p (μconstant) iiiii μ1 Variance(2) E (Si)2 E(Si -μ)2 - μ2 In the one period case, at time T after a time interval of t years (1 in this example) the expected stock price is as follows: E(ST)orμ Variance(ST),2 E(ST) uS0p dS0 (1-p) with true probability S0 x (1 risk adjusted rate) uS0p dS0 (1-p) with risk neutral probability S0 x (1 risk free rate) S0ert The variance would be as follows: (continuous risk free rate r) 2 S2p - E(S)2 iii i1 S 2 0 S 2 0 S 2 0 2 u2S2pd2 S2(1-p) 000 u2p d2(1-p) p(1-p)(u-d)2 p(1-p)( ln(ud) )2 - S pu(1-p)d pu (1-p)d 2 (where ln(ud) ln (u d) ) - 298 Chapter 9 traffic: the line that carries cable television or even the power lines.

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