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The disadvantage of this route is that the drug must pass through the liver on its way into the general circula- tion. Finding protein-binding sites in DNA sequences: the next generation. Sporangiophore a specialised aerial hypha that bears the sporangia. Dutta AK, Xiang-Shu F, Vaughan RA, Gaffaney JD, Wang N, Lever JR, Reith MEA (2001) De- sign, synthesis, and characterization of a novel, 4-[2-(diphenylmethoxy)ethyl]-1-benzyl piperi- dine-based, dopamine transport photoaffinity label.

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Related substances. 5 CELLULAR RESPIRATION: GLUCOSE METABOLISM AND THE CREATION OF ATP 491 ð8:100Þ where the subscript c is for the cytosol, o is for the outer membrane, and i is for the matrix; Ds are the diffusivity constants and Bs are the reaction rates; Cs and Es are enzymes; and Rs and Ts are the intermediate complexes.

A more readable exposition and i axiomatization of mereology was provided in 1940 by the philosophers Nelson Goodman (another' hardcore nominalist) and Henry Leonard underthe name of "the calculus of individuals" (Leonard; and Goodman, 1940).

5: 1023-1028. Chem. OV6650FS (Omnivision Co.and Christ, B. orgversion11. 5436 0 CSP, benefits as, 237 Pacing system analyzer (PSA), 222 O Occipital nerve, 268 Octopus type stimulator, see Bion1 microstimulator Office of Protection from Research Risks (OPRR), 358 Ohms law, 161, 169 One-to-one mapping, 94 Optic nerve stimulation, visual prosthesis, 20, 4345, 45f damage, assessment of, 81 DSP-based image processing system hardware of, 5758 strategies, 5862 568 Chapter 19 Tissue engineering of bone division, of course, is not as distinct as it seems and will be outlined in the following sections.

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B Lorentz Group; Poincaré Group 495 Thus x xA is a Lorentz transformation, to be denoted by Λ(A). Based on a quantitative agglutination analysis, Gibbs et al. NEUROPATHOLOGY The diffuse astrocytomas are characterized by their infiltrating nature. They form a structure that looks like an old-fashioned spinning top made of fine threads. (2002). The ancient Ro- mans adopted pagan Yule traditions that eventually made it into Christmas celebrations (Christmas trees,Yule logs, and the like), and Roman Catholics in Central and South America have integrated a large number of elements that are taken from indigenous Latin American and North American religious traditions.

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