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The probability per unit time for energy transfer then can be written as Wet 14 2p"hðrÞf12wðS0ÞwðAÞjHcjwðSÞwðA0Þ2 þ12wðS0ÞwðAÞjHejwðSÞwðA0Þ2g ð9Þ The matrix elements for Coulomb interaction represent the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the electronic charge distributions in the initial and final es trading warehouse, respectively, and have the following shape: QCi 14 ws0 ð1ÞwAð2Þ and QCf 14 wsð1ÞwA0 ð2Þ ð10Þ The matrix elements for exchange interaction represent the repulsive electronic interaction of the electronic es trading warehouse distributions, and have the following shape: Qei 14 ws0 ð1ÞwAð2Þ and Qef 14 wsð2ÞwA0 ð1Þ ð11Þ In Fig.

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