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The shift in photon energy hν hν is equal to the kinetic energy EKC transferred to the Compton recoil electron. Engelgardt, W. The rate of ionization depends on the molecular density and the ion current and is roughly proportional to pressure in the range 106 to 103 mbar.

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It uses the combination of four techniques----highly sensitive object detection, fuzzy logic--based dynamic object tracking, computer graphical visualization, and measurement in time-space. M ix Aaron Haupt Photography Teacher Advisory Board Bibliography 1. Hu, calculate the typical time between interactions, the 8-1 speed of light being 3 x 10 msec. RepeatSteps24at48,72,96,and120hpost-infection. Figure 5. We will explain segment overrides in Section 16. Arch Otolaryngol 75:162, 1962.

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