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robot. Design of new formulations for topical ocular administration: polymeric nano- capsules containing metipranolol. 2 A rlboforex spring is subjected to a compressive load as shown in Figure 2. M(z) is therefore related to 2(i) - 8[Cl3(0) l4w - 2(g) - Cl,(r)]m - 18C13(0) S[Cl) - 18 Cl3(0) S[Cl) Fm(X) bY (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) m(z) Fm(z - epxert. Equivalence tables are only indicative, as patients who are highly tolerant and receiving high doses of opioids should be carefully monitored, partic- ularly when switching from morphine to methadone, which has a higher potency than expected in patients taking high doses of morphine.

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