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A Levin-type sycney for accelerating the convergence of Fourier series. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 155:587591 19. (a) Tabulate the distribution of states and then compare this distribution to that for the frustrated square shown in the right hand part of the figure.

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1 The Birth of Cells 11 (b) L1 lin-14, lin-28 mRNA LIN-14, LIN-28 proteins lin-41 mRNA LIN-41 protein _ lin-29 mRNA Adult lin-14, lin-28 mRNA lin-4 let-7 RNA RNA lin-41 mRNA let-7 RNA lin-29 mRNA LIN-29 protein L2 lin-14, lin-28 mRNA lin-4 RNA FP lin-41 mRNA LIN-41 protein _ lin-29 mRNA L34 lin-14, lin-28 mRNA lin-4 RNA Olin-41 mRNA LIN-41 protein _ lin-29 mRNA (a) L1 L2 Wild type V5 lin-14 mutant V5 PDNB X PDNB LIN-14, LIN-28 LIN-41 lin-4 let-7 LIN-29 FIGURE 22-10 Timing of specific types of cell division during development of C.

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