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Gaining a patent for a nucleotide sequence that is of medical or diagnostic use would provide very significant payback potential. The weaknesses of M-PCR are relatively minor in nature. 77 In the second volume, an illustrated description of recording muscle potentials from the surface of the skin of a man established the basis for clinical electromyography. The Transcription of Genes trpE, is preceded at the 5' end by a 162-bp leader se- quence, which is transcribed into mRNA.

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Fig. There are two types of monoamine oxidase in the human central nervous system and in some peripheral organs. 1) 1 S32(σ,θ) ( 2 1 ) ( 1) P 1 ( c o s θ ) sinθ i The series forms of the associated Legendre polynomial at θ 0 and π are shown in Table A.

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