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) Both the POL and the arcuate ligaments are taut in full extension and assist in check- ing hyperextension of the knee; the POL and arcuate ligaments also check valgus and varus forces, respec- tively. Chapter 3 Table 3. 2 153. If measurements are to be taken during project execution, we must plan carefully regarding what to measure, when to measure, and how to measure. 29-42. Incomplete disruptions of bone are termed greenstick fractures in children or infractions in adults.

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The strong compression of the air at the frontal parts of such aircraft create shock waves that appear to us as a sonic boom (see chapter 25).

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Lesions in the lower half of the trachea are usually approached through a fourth interspace, right posterolat- eral thoracotomy. In both cases, this fact is to be addressed raes modifying and validating the chosen method accordingly.

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