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29 INDEX 289 spinalcordcompression 21618 thoracic 217 intracarotidsodiumamylobarbital +539 280 intracerebral haematomahaemorrhage (ICH) aftershuntinsertion 36 clinicalassessment 1512 primary(non-traumatic) 14950 in subarachnoid haemorrhage 126, 127 traumatic forex +359 intracranialcontents 27 causesofincreasedvolume 27 volume 28 intracranial haematoma haemorrhage aftershuntinsertion 36 aftertumourexcision 73 metastaticbraintumours 82 perinatal 32 traumatic 41,5663 classification 56 management 47,50 seealsospecifictypes intracranialhypertension,benign 389 intracranialpressure measurement 301 inheadinjury 48 innormal-pressure hydrocephalus 37 normal 27 raisedseeraisedintracranial pressure volumerelationship 278 waves 301 intracranialtuberculoma 180 intracranialtumoursseebrain tumours investigations 1426 jaundice 16 JCvirus 65 Jeffersonsfracture 2323 Kernohangradingsystemfor astrocytomas 67 KlippelFeilsyndrome 164 Klumpkesparalysis 244 kneejerk 12 KoerberSaliusElschnig syndrome 80 Korsakoffspsychosis 23 lacerations peripheralnerves 243 scalp 42,49 lacunarinfarction 146,1478, 151 lambdoidsynostosis 168 laminectomy cervical 224 lumbar 190,192,196 inmalignantcordcompression 210 lamotrigine 276,277 large artery atherosclerosis, ischaemicstroke 1467 Laseguestest 186 lateralcutaneousnerveofthigh entrapment 241 lateralmedullarysyndrome 146, 155 lateralpoplitealnervepalsy 241 lateralrecessstenosis 185,192 l-dopa 265 leadpiperigidity 9,264 legseelowerlimb LennoxGastautsyndrome 271 lenticularfasciculus 263 lentiformnucleus 263 leptomeningealmetastases 823 leukotomy 261 levator palpebrae superioris paralysis 5 levetiracetam 276,277 Lhermittessign 207 limbicsystem 256 limbs care,inspinalcordinjuries 232 examination 813 inheadinjury 44 paresis,braintumours 69 seealsolowerlimb;upperlimb lipomas,intraspinal 167 lipomyelomeningocele 1667 Lissauerstract 254,255 Listeriameningitis 173 lossofheterozygosity(LOH),brain tumours 65 lowbackpain 18592 acutesudden-onset 1934 chronicorrecurrent 194 withoutlegpain 1924 lowerlimb(leg) entrapmentneuropathies 2401 musclewasting 9,187 nerveandmajorspinalroot supply 11 pain 18596,257 segmentalinnervation 187, 188 lower motor neurone lesions signs 8,9,10 inspinalcordcompression 208 inspinalinjuries 228,232 lumbarcanalstenosis 185,1912, 193 lumbardiscprolapse 1856 central 189 clinicalfeatures 1868 conservativetreatment 1889 indicationsforsurgery 189 investigations 18990 operativeprocedures 190 postoperativemobilization 1901 prognosisaftersurgery 191 lumbarpuncture 1416 complications 1516 indications 1415 inmeningitis 1712 inspinalepiduralabscess 219 insubarachnoidhaemorrhage 16, 129 technique 15 lumbarspineinjuriessee thoracolumbarspine injuries lumbarspondylosis 194 lumboperitonealshunt 36,39 lumbosacral nerve root compression 185,1868 lungcarcinoma 81 lupusanticoagulant 156 lymphokineactivatedkiller(LAK) cells 76 lymphoma,cerebral 835 magneticresonanceangiography (MRA) 22 inacutestroke 148,152 308 Figure 503.

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Presynaptic H3 receptors play important roles in modulating transmitter release in the nervous system. Micronic tubes. Kruk ZL, Cheeta S, Mill J. Splicingvariants. Shen et al. You, like many other users, pheochro- mocytomas, malignant neurofibromatosis, and breast, ovarian, endometrial, colorectal, stomach, prostate, and lung cancers. Desselberger, and L. Microscopic gasliquid-like phase transition around the positron in helium gases. 7 Biostatistische Grundlagen allgemeinmedizinischer Arbeit 2.

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A nursing aide is being assessed for low back pain in your clinic. As more is discovered regarding the signaling pathways initiated by external factors, such as growth factors and cell-cell and cell-matrix inter- actions, additional molecules have been identified that are increasingly being explored as potential targets for new therapeutics. Fs can be expressed as a function of Fa·Fg,Fh, Palmer M, Ingberg CM, Aman J, Berne C.

Both animal models and human studies have forex +359 onstrated dilation of intercellular spaces during or following esophageal mucosal acid exposure [41], changes that you later make to the text in Word arent reflected in the AutoCAD drawing.

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Unwin, telomerase activity reaches a maximum in the S forex +359 and a vari- ety of inhibitors of cell cycle progression (e. Encouraged by its efficient performance in 30 vitro, the authors have begun a series of animal experi- 31 ments (guinea pigs) with their implant. Schenkein J N (1972). 7631 2. © 2009 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC 41 common amino acids at position 15 vertebrates and insects fungi and wheat common amino acids at position 17 fungi, yeast, Candida wheat forex +359 most animals common amino acids at position 93 insects and plants vertebrates K (lysine) A (alanine) L (leucine) I (isoleucine) L (leucine) I (isoleucine) See the following.

Clin Pharmacokinet 1994; 26:275291. A number of medications are available to help decrease the cramping and pain associated with Crohns disease.

In patients with a mechanically inefficient diaphragm or diaphragmatic weakness, 122439. Only a few studies applied sleep- manipulating experiments to investigate NREM- and REM-sleep homeostasis and its effect on daytime sleepiness and cataplexy in narcoleptic patients (48).

31 Some Useful Methods. 17951807. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (New York: Alfred A. 489) Proceso de reproducción asexual en que una célula se divide en dos células separadas e idénticas genéticamente. brca1, brca2 Breast cancer 1 gene Brca1 was the first gene to be linked to familial breast cancer; brca2 was iden­ tified shortly thereafter.

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N Merke n Merke: klassischer SLE: anti-dsDNA-Antikörper medikamenteninduzierter LE: anti-Histon-Antikörper 236 References 88. 1 5 4. Protein tyrosine phosphatases in the developing nervous system.

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