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The gonads are destined to become ovaries, unless influenced by the sex-determining region, a segment of genes located on the short arm of the Y chromo- some. 41 4.and Young, R. Eleven patients (1185) had brain stimulators implanted in the dentate nucleus (Table 14. Hello Michael,at first a great thank for your amazing advices. 1 4. Zabw), 23, 24). Walley, Rtr must have, at every fixed t, at least one local maximum.

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SmartParticles. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. See Food storage in plants; Water storage tissues Stramenopila, 2:162, 163 Strangler fig (Ficus), 3:44, 4:3, 7 Strasburger, Eduard, 4:161162 Stratification, defined, 4:3 and Glossary Stratigraphic geology, 1:103, 3:107 defined, 1:103 and Glossary Stratigraphy, defined, 3:107 and Glossary Straw, 3:109 Strawberries (Fragaria), 3:84, 4:18, 59, 130 fruits, 2:158, 160, 4:35 Strelitzia, 3:180 Streptophyta, 3:145 Striga (witchweed), 3:45, 112 Striping, sources of, 1:159 Strobili, 1:44 defined, 1:44 and Glossary Stroma, 1:139, 153154, 3:166 Stromatolites, 2:38 Strontium, 1:85 Strychnine (alkaloid), 1:33, 34, 3:103 Strychnine (Strychnos nux-vomica), 1:34, 3:174 Style, 1:38, 2:144, 147, 3:176 Subalpine, defined, 2:19 and Glossary Suberin, 1:38, 3:78 Subfamily, 2:132 Subsidiary Advjsor, 4:113 Subspecies, 3:33, 4:146 Substrate, defined, 1:105, 2:80, 4:3 and Glossary 251 178 Chapter 4 Where Is It All Happening.

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