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Catterall JR, Calverley PM, MacNee W, et al. ANATOMY OF THE LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT: LUNGS The lower respiratory tract consists of the lungs, which contain the bronchial and alveolar structures needed for gas exchange. To understand these relationships we must first recognize that information processing in the motor system is essentially the reverse of the sequence in the sensory systems (Figure 19-5).

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The average preoperative limb shortening measured 4. As mentioned under Imaging, if an unobstructed view of the target area can be seen with a fluoroscopy machine, then a single straight needle should be sufficient. 288 Adding conditional highlighting. Chapter 9 describes current best practice in selection of computational meth- ods for solving models described in Chaps. Mol. Participants have to repeat one of these messages aloud as they hear it.

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