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Syn- ovectomy may also complement the medical treatment of se- lected patients with rheumatoid arthritis and hemophilia. 7) x1 t 0 satisfies the equation (provided that x0 ̸ 0): clearly when t 0 we have x(0) x0, and differentiating gives dx 1 × x1 t2 1 [x(t)]2. If the cylinder is semi-infinite, and u tends to zero as z tends to infinity, the solution cannot be sinusoidal in z as given here. 3) [10]. This is impor- tant because L-glutamate is the only amino acid that undergoes oxidative deamination at an appreciable rate in mammalian tissues.

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The motion of the second mass is almost imperceptible. This subcomponent, known as P3a, is elicited by novel stimuli which do not otherwise command attention from the subject-that is, no button press or counting response is required. Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Inc. By way of review, a solid solution consists of atoms of at least two different types; the solute atoms occupy either substitutional or interstitial positions in the solvent lattice.

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