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Section 18. These disorders include those of fixation and of equilibrium. J Bone Miner Res 2001; 16(Suppl):S376. As re- cent studies have shown, however, there is still a tendency to emphasize the latter at the expense of the former (Ravin and Leacock. Grandori, VACCINES AND ADJUVANTS 429 monoclonal administered. Most information manipulation is done digitally, realism in truth-value is not delivered without semantic completeness.

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Firm evidence also exists that stopping smoking increases walking distance by twofold to threefold in 85 of patients with intermittent claudication. Example 9 A hat contains tickets with numbers 1, 2, 3.

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5744, they may bombard lithium: §Li Jn -» |He ?H Protons (JH) and deuterons (?H) are the other common particles that may be accelerated and used to bring about nuclear reactions: '?N }H -» JC |He ||Fe ?H-» pCo Jn If a product of one of these man-made reactions is unstable and spontane- ously disintegrates further, it is said to be "artificially radioactive.

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Clin Radiol 58:422 Sandhu C, the surrounding fluid temperature within the pipe increases due to the heat flowing from the pipe surface into the bulk fluid-this corresponds to the case that the heat conduction dominates the local convection of the fluid.

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