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Anesth Analg 1998;87(5):12035. 550. Reprinted with permission from: Harness JK, the efficacy of treatment of many musculoskeletal pain conditions by currently available pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions is often less than optimal. 16 GSM originally meant Groupe Spe ́ciale Mobile, which was a working group within a larger entity of European PTTs; when the system became a big success, history was rewritten, and GSM was redefined to mean Global System for Mobile communication.

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This is the universal tendency of spontaneous processes as expressed in the second law; it is why the costly enzymes stored in the refrigerator tend to decay and why ice melts into water. 7 References 1. Such preparations of adherent bone marrow cells are often used for in situ labeling and functional characterization of P2 receptors on mammalian osteoclasts. 17 ORIGIN OF THE FACTOR 1 II, IN BOSON TRANSITIONS 333 1 I. Here, I 0, ml 0.

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