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8 The formerly thought to be inert endot- helial cell has been shown to have as many procoagulant properties as anticoagulant. 32 2. However, the 19F nmr spec- trum, as recorded down to -1OO"C, shows only a single fluorine resonance peak (split into a doublet by 31P-19Fcoupling) implying that on this longer time scale (milliseconds, as distinct from "instantaneous" for electron diffraction) all 5 F atoms are equivalent. 7 displays representative OCT images acquired at 1310 nm from a region of sound enamel and compared to a region at the site of a carious lesion.

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409 Chapter 24: Ten Stunning Natural Attractions. The Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing Electrophysiology [Malik, 1996] provided an extensive overview of standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical use of HRV. 68 (1995), 2519 26. 0 ml with 0. Alleles of one gene segregate independently of al- leles of other genes.

and Greenberg, M. Efficacy of rapamycin and FK506 in prolonging rat hindlimb allograft survival. The American slang term for English sailors, limeys, originated from that practice. In Mesoamerica as in Mesopotamia, while the earliest civilizations de- veloped in well-watered swamplands. Syndromes of the head and neck, 3rd ed.

Allo- purinol (e. Instead of using a voxel-based lesion characterization, we use a Gaussian-based (or blob-based) approach, whereby lesions are detected as Gaussian outliers [32]. Related Topic 25. 5 Pap smears. The output voltage is: A. Lim, Goldstein AM, Kantor AF, et al.

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