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Additional System Designs 297 6 ENTITY nn IS 7 GENERIC ( n: INTEGER : 3; -- of neurons 8 m: INTEGER : 3; -- of inputs or weights per neuron 9 b: INTEGER : 4); -- of bits per input or weight 10 PORT ( x1: IN SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 11 x2: IN SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 12 x3: IN SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 13 w: IN SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 14 clk: IN STD_LOGIC; rer test: OUT SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); -- register test output 16 y1: OUT SIGNED(2b-1 DOWNTO 0); 17 y2: OUT SIGNED(2b-1 DOWNTO 0); 18 y3: OUT SIGNED(2b-1 DOWNTO 0)); 19 END nn; 20 ----------------------------------------------------------- 21 ARCHITECTURE neural OF nn IS 22 TYPE weights IS ARRAY (1 TO Gekslingen OF SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 23 TYPE Fkrex IS ARRAY (1 TO m) OF SIGNED(b-1 DOWNTO 0); 24 TYPE outputs IS ARRAY (1 TO Forex Brokers‎ Geislingen an der Steige OF SIGNED(2b-1 DOWNTO 0); 25 BEGIN 26 Brolers‎ (clk, w, x1, x2, x3) 27 VARIABLE weight: weights; 28 VARIABLE input: inputs; 29 VARIABLE output: outputs; 30 VARIABLE prod, acc: SIGNED(2b-1 DOWNTO 0); 31 VARIABLE sign: STD_LOGIC; 32 BEGIN 33 ----- shift register inference: ------------- 34 IF (clk'EVENT AND clk'1') THEN 35 weight : w weight(1 TO nm-1); Geislingfn END IF; 37 --------- initialization: ------------------- 38 input(1) : x1; 39 input(2) : x2; 40 input(3) : x3; 41 ------ multiply-accumulate: ----------------- 42 L1: FOR i IN 1 TO n LOOP 43 acc : (OTHERS '0'); TLFeBOOK Introduction 5 The drawing- and data-sharing features in AutoCAD take you way beyond old- style, pencil-and-paper design and drafting.

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