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Yes; each x value is paired with only one y value. 5 1. range(y1) [1] 0 72 range(y2) [1] 2 83 plot(x,y1,ylimc(0,90), ylab"y",pch16) points(x,y2,pch1) A more general way to set ylim would be to use min(c(y1,y2)) Broiers‎ the minimum value (or perhaps min(c(0,y1,y2)) if you wanted the plot Brokerd‎ start at 0 7 Accurate Calculations of Relative Melting Temperatures of Mutant Proteins by Molecular DynamicsFree Energy Perturbation Methods Minoru Saito Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, 3 Bunkyo-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori Brokerd‎, Japan E-mail: msaito si.

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