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Complications Malunionnonunion Nerve injury Tendon injury Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) Wound necrosis Unstable internal fixation Loss of reduction or function Peritendinous adhesions Suggested Readings Axelrod TS, McMurtry RY. The crown is the portion that projects above the gum line and is sometimes replaced by a dentist.

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Genetics 124: 735742 43. The Semicircular Canals The semicircular ducts detect angular acceleration during rotation of the head along three perpendicular axes. [21] Tepel, M. One way is to use the present. (1965). These findings continue to pose a challenge for the granule exocytosis model and suggest that other local or temporary protective systems exist in CTLs to prevent self-destruction after degranulation. I did the equations. 256.Sasaki, S. Phenytoin must be given through a freely running line with normal saline (it precipitates in other fluids) and should not be injected intramuscularly.

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