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It has now been discovered that another compound, called A-factor, stimulates the microorganism into streptomycin produc- tion. Scanning Probe Techniques X I I I Ii Figure 16.

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02 percent by carefully measuring the tau pro- duction rate near threshold. Although not defined, rapid interval growth should also be an impetus to embolize because the morbidity from rupture is significant. The size of the trial tibial component is chosen depending on the size of the tibial plateau. One reason may simply be that the in vivo environment may be much more challenging, with a greater diversity of biomolecules that are surface active and may give rise to adsorption phenomena that in vitro tests did not anticipate and replicate.

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Natur- wissenschaften 68, 208. 13 Plate-out is the deposit of organic matter from a polymer com- pound during extrusion or calendering on metallic surfaces of the machinery. They might just be some associated data. It deemphasizes what is diagnostically common to different individuals, thereby obscuring the relevance of accrued clinical wisdom for the index patient. It is less bulky and involves less sensory loss on the donor site than the classical lateral arm flap [3, 12, 13].

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