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Examples of this phenomenon include systemic lupus erythematosus following hydralazine or procainamide therapy, "lupoid hepatitis" due to cathartic sensitivity, autoimmune hemolytic anemia resulting from methyldopa administration, thrombocytopenic purpura due to quinidine, and agranulocytosis due to a variety of drugs. Spe- cific biochemical assays such as assays for enzymatic activity may have to be developed for some targets in order to search for small molecule inhibitors [25] from compound libraries.

REFERENCES Evans, D. Dis Colon Rectum 1991; 34:784789. Region 1 has mass m1 and cumulated activity A ̃1.

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These are due to the lumbar punc- ture (Chapter 2) andor the effects of the contrast material. Ive put 5K on oil going up for couple days and won around 3. Vasc Med 2002; 7:5-11. Kita ̄b f ̄ı tahq ̄ıq ma lil-Hind (Al-Birunis India). The BASIC WOUND EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT 31 Wound closure Overview The art of proper wound closure is a learned skill that is developed and enhanced throughout a career in medicine [54].

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