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2 per cent); 1090 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages) 310 INDEX multiplicity joint decision rule multiple decision rule 171172 no effect boundaries, see bioequivalence, acceptance range pantoprazole 185186, 188189 partial area, see area under the curve (AUC), rifampicin 179181, 183, 192193, 200 Rifampin, see rifampicin risk consumer 4446 producer 4446 RTTR design additive 5556, 97, 106, 287 multiplicative 7275 sample size calculation approximate 114117, 297, 302 exact 1213, 109112, 187, 289297 using the software package nQuery® 114120, 302303 scaling constant-scaled 215 reference-scaled 214215 unscaled 214215 sequence-by-period means 62, 249, 252 sequence-by-period plot 10, 57, 72, 134, 138, 148, 150 sequence effect 8283 shape characteristic, see pharmacokinetic partial peak-trough fluctuation (PTF) 149150, 187188 period effect estimation of difference nonparametric 68 parametric 6364 3033, graphical illustration test for difference nonparametric 67 57 parametric P-Glycoprotein pH dependency 6465, 81, 83 178 124, 194, 196 Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA) 209, 210 pharmacokinetic characteristic drugdrug interaction 187194 immediate release formulation 2026, 33 modified release formulation 2633 multiple dose 67, 2633, 151152 single dose 67, 2026, 33, 139 PitmanMorgans test procedure 252 plateau time 26, 3133, 137138, 151 power determination exact 109112, 120121, 289297, 304305 using the software package nQuery® 117120, 302303 prescribability 205, 207, 278 prolonged release formulation, see modified release formulation protein binding 178, 182 prothrombin time 187, 189190, 284 ranitidine 193194 rate of absorption, see absorption, rate rate of bioavailability, see bioavailability, rate replicate design 208, 210212 characteristic steady state, see pharmacokinetic characteristic, multiple dose structural equation model (SEM) 257258 subject-by-formulation interaction 205207, 245 subjects 7.

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