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We want the time t. In either case, 12, 332, 341, 342 Cocktail of drugs, 4 Cognitive model, 175 Colon cancer, 11, 13, 359, 360 Color texture, 12, 13, 331, 332, 341, 345, 359, 360, 363, 365 Committee machine, 9, 232, 239241 Compensators, 215, 233, 239, 240, 290 Computational intelligence, 7, 160162, forex companies rank time, 31, 241, 324, 326 Computed tomography (CT), 45, 152158, 163, 169, 171, 192, 215, 216, 228, 284, 288, 291, 296, 305, 316326 Computer aided diagnosis (CAD), 9, 284, 285, 296, 316, 317, 326 control, 21, 35, 292 Concavity, 11 Cone beam (CB), 45, 216, 294, 296 Conformal radiation therapy (CRT), 7, 215, forex companies rank, 243 Conformal treatment, 6, 195 Conjugate gradient, 213, 220 Constraints, 1, 6, 26, 27, 38, 55, 129, 158, 184, 259, 266268, 292, 294, 306, 308, 322, 327 Continuous system, see also analogue 18, 20 Control, see also Controllers adaptive, 2, 13, 18, 37, 151 algorithms, 2, 17, 25, 47, 48, 89 cardiorespiratory, 79 closed-loop, 4, 29, 74, 90 computer, 22, 29, 33, 55, 106, 123, 292 engineering, 4, 17, 29, 32, 4446, 48 generalized predictive, see also controller, forex companies rank horizon, 24, 47, 223, model based, 17, 21, 22, 25, 32, 3536, 89, 150 predictive, 4648, 214, 222, 231 robust, 5, 5357, 61, 68, 69, 71, 72 self-tuning, 18, 28, 29, 3537, 48, 123 strategies, 4, 5, 18, 29, 3538, 40, 41, 45, 46, 51, 54, 72, 73, 150 switching control, 5, 67, 69, 70, 72 switching multiple model control, 67 variable (CV), 29 Controllers, see also control bank, 6771 digital, 17, 30, 31 eigenvalue assignment, see pole placement incremental form, 36, 38 Kalman filter, 25, 42, 46, 50 minimum variance, 36, 38 P, 33, 34 PD, 33 PI, 33, 34 PID, see also Three-term PID 18, 2536, 45, 58, 6569, 89 pole assignment, see pole placement pole placement, 29, 32, 34, 3842, 48 predictive control, see Control state variable feedback, 42, 43, 46, 48 tuning, 3236, 55, 58, 60, 65, Controllability, 21, 44 Co-occurrence matrices, 12, 331, 335341, 360364 Convexity, 11 Convergence, 22, 24, 183, 204, 208, 220, 246, 274, 312, 317, 323, 327 Converter, 30, 103, 107 ADC, 30 DAC, 30 Convolution kernel, 341, 345 Coronary heart disease, 3 Correlation analysis, 83, 84, 88 coefficient, 84, 86, 88, 110, 350 matrix, 71 Pearsons correlation, 350352 Cost function, 24, 27, 221, 236 Covariates, forex companies rank Cox hazards model, 8, 262, 279 Crisp, see also Fuzzy, 145, 146, 187, 188, 200, 307 Criteria, see also feature; error, 9, 11, 12, 2327, 68, 129, 131, 154, 174, 184, 188, 194, 205, 214, 220, 221, 237, 247, 251, 263, 269, 276, 291, 307, 312, 323, 346 Akaike information criterion, see also Weight decay, 23, 269 Bayesian, 23 cross validation, 23, 159, 220, 227, 286 estimation prediction error, 25 158 Biomechanics Table 5.

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