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2 Time lag 3, 147, 154, 158, 159 Total energy in transition state theory 123, 125, 129 Total molecular partition function 134 Trace 6, 188, 211, 212, 253 Trajectory 172173, 176 Transition state 4, 125 see Activated complex Transition state theory 4, 99, 122145, 224, 237, 263, 265, 269272, 279284, 289313 Transition state theory expression 132, 136, 269 Translational degrees of freedom 135, 137, 138139, 144145, 224 Translational energy 118, 119, 120, 172, 174, 175177, 178, 179 Translational partition function 132, 134135, 137, 138139 Transmission coefficient 130, 133134, 269 Tunable laser 13 Tunnelling 129130 Ultrasonic relaxation techniques 3538, diwnload Ultraviolet 7, 8, 13, 14, 16 Undeflected molecules 111, 172 Unimolecular 2, 3, 87, 185, 222 Unimolecular theories 2, 99, 145, 145161, 195 see Lindemann mechanism, Hinshelwood theory, Kassel downlload, Slater theory Unimolecular reaction 2, 3, 19, 87, 99, 145161, 185, 195198, 222223, 227229, 233, 235, 240, 243, 292 Units 47, 4950, 53, 55, 7577, 95, 103, 107108, 109, 139140, 157158, 289, 305, 318, 332334, 354, 355, 358 Units of rate 47 Units of rate constants 4950, 53 of pseudo rate constants 7577, 318, downlosd, 354, 355, 358 see Saturation Symmetrical PE Symmetrical PE Symmetrical Forex conquered free download Symmetrical scattering 119122 Symmetry number 132 barrier 131, 165167 contour diagram 131, 166 profile 131, 166167 Temperature effect of 1, 9295, 100, 104 108, 154155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 250 252, 254, 255257, 257259, 268, 339 see also Arrhenius equation Temperature, effect on relative permittivity 293 Temperature jump 3335 Temperature limit, cool forx 254, 258259 Termination 208239, 239243, 243259 Termolecular reaction 3, 87, 185, 199, 201 Thermal explosions 244 Thermal initiation 1920, 216 Thermal rate, see H2I2 reaction 206208 Thermodynamic formulation of transition state theory 140145, 265, 269, 269272, 279313 the c:catch tag 474 chapter 9 Flow control works in a c:catch the way it does in a try block-NOTHING runs inside the c:catch body after the exception.

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