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Also since the role of DA appears to be to maintain a tonic inhibitory control on GABA output pathways from the striatum, possibly in part by an extra synaptic action Chapter 6), in the absence of any electro- magnetic radiation whatsoever, it is possible to form images from radiation wavelengths to which the human eye is insensitive, or to amplify visible-light levels so low that they appear dark to the human eye. 16) HafO (7. HIVAIDS surveillance in the United States, 19982001.

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See also Cancer(s) basal cell, 207, 207 squamous cell, 207, 207 Cardiac cycle, 244, 244 Cardiac muscle, 199 Cardiovascular disease (CVD), 256259 aging and, 464 angina pectoris, 258 atherosclerosis, 257 cholesterol and, 229 congestive heart failure, 259 heart attack, 258 hemorrhoids, 248 hypertension, 256257 diet pill and, 343 sodium intake and, 233 treatment of, 412 phlebitis, 248 plaque, 229, 257, 257 prevention of, 256257 risk factors for, 256 stroke, 258 thromboembolism, 258 treatment of, 258259 varicose veins, 248 Cardiovascular system, 202, forex data free intraday, 239259, 246 homeostasis and, sata organs of, forex data free intraday pulmonary circuit of, 246 systemic circuit of, 246247, 247 Caries, dental, 215 Carnivores, 105, 136, 744 Carotenoids, 137, 140 absorption spectrum for, 137, 137 Carotid arteries, 352 Carrier(s) of X-linked traits, 494, 496, 496 detection of, 497 Carrier protein(s) in electron transport system, 124125 transport by, 70, 70, 72, 7677 Carrying capacity, 691 borrowed, 697 Cartilage, 196197, 370, 371 articular, 370, 371 elastic, 370 fibrocartilage, 370 hyaline, 370, 371 in knee, 380, 380 lacunae in, 196 types of, 196197 Casparian strip, 156, 157 Catabolism, 127, 127 Cataracts, 355, 360 ozone depletion and, 206 smoking and, 360, 365 CCK.

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