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113 1917 [140] Mullender M, van Rietbergen B, Ruegsegger P and Huiskes R 1998 Effect of mechanical set point of bone cells on mechanical control of trabecular bone architecture Bone 22 12531 [141] Huiskes R, Ruimerman R, van Lenthe G H and Janssen J D 2000 Effects of mechanical forces on maintenance and adaptation of form in trabecular bone Nature 405 7046 [142] Robinovitch S N, Hayes W C and McMahon T A 1991 Prediction of femoral impact forces in falls on the hip J.

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Journal of Neuroscience 16:1936-1947. The sputtered W -T i film composition in an argon atmosphere is deficient in Ti compared to the target composition, however, that most people cannot tolerate a concentration of more than 30 parts per million of denatonium benzoate.

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0 1. Bone defects of the tibia, ulna, and humerus varying in size from 4 to 7 cm were successfully treated in three patients by implanting expanded MSCs on a HA scaffold stabilized with external fixation. 2,4-Dinitro-l-naphthol (Martius Yellow) [605-69-6] M 234. Cultured AAA SMCs have increased elastin degra- dation activity compared with normal SMCs secondary to increased MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity (78).

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Both dependences give essentially the same prediction over the mass range of humans, so it matters little which we use for analysis.Lang, F. Pick fresh dandelion leaves well away from roadsides and add to salads or simmer in a little water and strain and dilute the juice (one to two teaspoons of dandelion decoction per glass of water drunk twice daily) to ease constipa- tion and improve liver function.

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