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2,29v)tooxidizeuIV to 2e- uo22though in practice this occurs only slowly. 49 8. The information was extracted from reports of observers in earlier periods, many of them mission- aries or explorers, while later reports were more often made by trained anthropologists.

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27, the more efficient blood circulation provided by the four-cham- bered heart and the more efficient breathing provided by the diaphragm (a special sheet of muscles below the rib cage that aids breathing) make possible the higher metabolic rate upon which endothermy depends. Dobson, C. Such was the case with smallpox and may be the case with measles. Annu Rev Med 1995; 46:467-81. 20). Sie werden sehen, dass manchmal geradezu detektivischer Spürsinn erforderlich ist, um die Diagnose einzugrenzen.

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