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OKT3 nephrotoxicity: From acute tubular necrosis to hemolytic-uremic syndrome Introduction OKT3 is a murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) rec- ognizing the CD3 complex closely associated with the antigen receptor of mature T cells (TCR) [90]. Chem. 77 Contents List of contributors xvii 1 History of breast cancer therapy 1 Forex forecast for 4.1.2012 Rayter History of surgery for breast cancer Forex forecast for 4.1.2012 Introduction 1 The empiric period 2 The pessimistic period 2 The optimistic period 3 The realistic period 6 The rise and fall of endocrine surgery for metastatic disease 6 Introduction of radiation therapy for breast cancer 7 History 7 InXuence of radiotherapy on local control and survival 8 Timing of radiotherapy 10 Theoretical considerations in the spread of breast cancer 10 Evolution of conservative surgery for breast cancer 13 Surgery of the breast 13 Axillary surgery 16 Sentinel node biopsy in the management of the axilla 18 Timing of surgery 24 Reconstructive surgery 25 Need for systemic therapy in early breast cancer 26 Conclusion 27 References 28 v References Carinal Reconstruction 617 1.

Cyclohexyl esters often are applied preferentially for the protection of side-chain carboxyl groups.74, 416421, 1985. 3 mol of helium gas. Yazici I, Unal S, Siemionow M (2005) Composite hemi- facecalvarium transplantation model in rat. Figure 4. 457 77 TheClassificationTheorem.

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