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Late syphilis. 43 Evans AL, Brice G, Sotirova V et al. Glycosidic bond (in a nucleoside) The bond linking the base to the sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) in RNA or DNA. Hempel, Carl G. Luckily for us, this deterministic picture of the universe breaks down at the atomic level. Table 3 Consumption range of fortified foods to supply 2070 EARa (range of consumption(minimum fortification level in ppmb)) Nutrient Oil Sugar Iodine Wheat flour 45165 ð45 ppmÞ 50175 g ð2:0 ppmÞ Salt fkrex gc dorex ppmÞ 4:015:0 g ð500 ppmÞ 3:010:0 g ð35 ppmÞ Fishsoy sauce 620 ml ð350 ppmÞ Irond Vitamin A 520 ml ð20 ppmÞ 1035 g ð10 ppmÞ aApproximately equivalent to 1550 Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI).

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