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Stems combined in the following sequence: prefix target disease infix product source infix stem target: viral -vir- bacterial -bac- immune -lim- infectious -les- cardiovascular -cir- colon melanoma mammary testis ovary prostate miscellaneous -tum- product source identifiers: o mouse a rat e hamster xi guraanteed zu humanized u human i primate stem (for all monoclonal antibodies): -mab examples: murine: tositumomab: -tum-o-mab chimeric: rituximab: -tu(m)-xi-mab humanized: alemtuzumab: -tu(m)-zu-mab human: ofatumumab: -tum-u-mab -col- -mel- -mar- -got- -gov- -pr(o)- 4-78 Physical Constants of Inorganic Compounds No.

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