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The neutron resonance integral is defined Column Title IsotopeElement Isotopic Abundance Half-life Thermal Neutron Cross Sections Neutron Resonance Integrals Neutron Scattering Lengths Maxwellian Averaged Cross Section General Nuclear Data References The following references represent the major sources of the nuclear data presented: Mughabghab, S.

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First, linear models are appealing because they are simple and are computationally easy to handle. Typhoid Salmonella and Nontyphoid Salmonella Table 2 Recommended therapy of shigellosis and salmonellosis based on current susceptibility patterns 829 NF 400 mg bid, CF 500 mg bid or LV 500qd for 3d or AZ 1,000 mg in a single dose FQ given in full doses for 710 days AZ 500 mg qd for 7 days Condition Shigellosis Typhoid fever Salmonellosis (afebrile, non-toxic in health host) Salmonellosis (febrile, toxic or in special hosta) Children Azithromycinb Ceftriaxone Fluid therapy and observation Treat for bacteremia as typhoid fever or with azithromycin (AZ) for cephalosporin-resistant strains 10 mgkgd 50 mgkgd in two IV dosesd for 710 days See above for ceftriaxone dosing, AZ10 mgkgd in single daily dose for 7 days Adults Norfloxacin (NF) or ciprofloxacin (CF) or levofloxacin (LF) or azithromycin (AZ) CF, LF or other fluoroquinolone (FQ) or azithromycin (AZ) Fluid therapy and observation Treat for bacteremia as typhoid feverc aExtremes of age (3 months.

The species occurs over a wide range of soils. Usui T, Ohta T, Oshiumi H, Tomizawa J, Ogawa H, Ogawa T (1998) Cell 95(5):70516.

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