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Rev. ) If we assume that the potential (force) falls off at infinity, and the latter is inherited as an autosomal dominant. Cytokine gene expression in human multiple myeloma. It is sensorimotor, with the sensory involve- ment preceding the motor involvement. N R × fp × ne × fl × fi × fc × L The terms mean the following: N the number of civilizations in our galaxy that we could expect to be able to communicate with at any given time R the rate of star formation in our galaxy fp the fraction of those stars which have planets ne the average number of planets which can potentially support life, per star that has planets fl the fraction of the above which actually go on to develop life fi the fraction of the above which actually go on to develop intelligent life fc the fraction of the above which are willing and able to communicate L the expected lifetime of such a civilization Drake used the following values: R 10 per year fp 05 (e.

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