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13). Retrospective review. Synthesis 1988, 1009, and references cited therein. Such screens have been carried out for decades in Drosophila. 37) V Sn μr|grad ψ|2 dV ψ div(μr grad ψ)dV. And dont forget to set aside a day on the Veneto mainland to see the Giotto frescoes in Padova (Padua).

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Protect from light. J Neurophysiol 72:542564 33. (Redrawn with permission from Icon Learning Systems division of MediMedia USA, Inc. Antony van Leeuwenhoek was born in the small Dutch town of Delft. 64) and also the field coherence length L 14 K11W K11 12 x 14 eoDeE2 whose physical meaning is that the applied field can produce a significant reorientation of the liquid crystal director over the distance x.

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