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Sample volumes are large (100-500 ~tL) and limits of detection are much lower. 5 5. The basic technique remains the same as that described by Seldinger: Vessel puncture Guidewire introduction Placement of the catheter over the guidewire Vessel Puncture For the purposes of this chapter, only arterial access is discussed; venous access is discussed in Chapter 13.

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Federal officials say that although Paulson was involved in decisions to rescue A. This atomic excitation, in turn, leads to abnormal linkages within molecules such as DNA and is thus a source of mutations (see chapter 9).

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Analyzing Methods Explain two difficulties an ecologist might have in counting a population of migratory birds. At the time, his result was applied toward the problem of heat transfer in solids, but it has since gained a much broader appeal. A second force also operates on the bullet: the force of gravity. Concentration polarization data are also normally plotted as overvoltage versus the logarithm of current density; such a plot is represented schematically in Figure 17.

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