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Electronic pub- lishing of journals will actually supersede paper pub- lishing, S. Population dynamics represent an additional consideration when modeling evolution. Colloid Inter Sci. The rationale behind universality is the fact that gravity is flavor blind. As we should expect, bulky polymers of high molar mass migrate more slowly (have a lower diffusion coefficient) through a solvent than polymers oflow molar mass.

Die Anastomose kann intraabdominal mit einem Klam- mernahtgerät angelegt werden. 258 Chapter 9 Biocompatibility do the presence or absence of micro-organisms and endotoxins. In our works [7174], Hamiltonian of (C)N chain with field-shifted site energies7 was used to answer the following questions: How the electron spectrum is modified by the presence of a constant electric field and how these changes manifest themselves in conducting properties of molecular wires.

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