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6 g, Private, and Public. It requires multiple inputs, including ongoing Chapter 20 Biliary Tract 309 Biliary Obstruction, Benign s Essentials of Diagnosis Causes include postoperative, trauma, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis or choledocholithiasis, primary sclerosing cholan- gitis, sphincter of Oddi stenosis, duodenal ulcer, Crohn disease, viral infection, drug toxins Symptoms and signs include fever, abdominal pain, jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia Right upper quadrant ultrasound shows associated biloma with postoperative stricture, biliary dilatation, atrophic or calcified pancreas; magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) or PTC helpful to evaluate biliary tree; endoscopic ultrasound to evaluate possible pancreatic head mass s Differential Diagnosis Rule out biliary, pancreatic, or ampullary malignancy s Treatment Hepaticojejunostomy for most postoperative or traumatic strictures Choledochoduodenostomy or choledochojejunostomy for chronic, pancreatitis-induced strictures Balloon dilation indicated for some anastomotic biliary strictures after repair Complications: recurrent stricture, biliary leak Prognosis: excellent in 7090 after surgical reconstruction; poor for balloon dilation as primary therapy for strictures, except as treatment for early post-repair stricture s Pearl Allow acute inflammation to resolve before forex license any definitive repair.

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