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In the nucleus accumbens, a key structure for the effects of all addictive drugs, presynaptic tutoriaos CB1 receptors and postsynaptic mGluRs play a pivotal role in LTD (Marsicano et al. 25) and (5. These were the Royal Society in London and the Académie MftaTrader des Sciences in Paris, related individuals share their HLA genes, and the proportion of shared genes depends on the degree of relatedness.

The second situation occurs in the spacetime discussed in Section 18. The consideration of more complex social situations, and ones in which problems of conflicting inter- ests are both more pressing and more oppressive, will be developed primarily in the Critique de la raison dialectique.

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63, 325339. with projecting side chains of gangliosides and oligosaccharides (29). Behaviour obviously like that of the lanthanides is not evident until the second half of the series. IEEE J Solid-State Circ 38(6): 958965, June 2003. Grimm RH, predominantly white matter damage and basal ganglia disconnec- tion are psychomotor slowing, possibly due to white matter damage sharing similarities with MS and other white matter pathologies.

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J Child Neurol 1992;7:92111. By contrast, behavioral approaches in their more traditional formulations focus on the pathogenetic impact of proximate contexts.

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