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1999), G. 95 16. There exists a linear bundle map σ : V Q V Q, q ̇i σ σijpj, such that L σ iN iN. Org.3:167168 instinct and learning, 3:327334 kingdom animalia, 3:198, 3:205, 3:206 mating rituals, 3:145147 migration, 3:338341 natural selection, 3:163165 pregnancy and birth, 3:151153 presence of proteins, 3:2021, 3:23 respiration, 3:58, 4:329330 selective breeding, 3:128, 3:169 sense of smell, 3:303 shedding (fur or skin), 3:313, 3:313 symbiotic relationships, 3:386387 transpiration, 3:355, 3:358, 4:389390 ultrasonics, 2:323324 See also Mammals; specific species Anion resins, 1:106 Anions, 1:101102 aluminum, 1:121 naming system, 1:277 nonmetals, 1:103 Annelids asexual reproduction, 3:138 detritivores, 3:349 respiration, 3:57, 3:57 Anorexia nervosa, 3:3839 Antacids, 1:322323, 3:48 Antarctica, 4:377 glaciology, 4:378380 midnight sun, 3:310 Anteaters, 3:223, 3:223224 Anthrax, 3:250, 3:251252 Anthropogenic biomes, 3:378380 Anthropoidea, 3:220221, 3:274275 Antibiotics amino acids in, 3:13 bacterial resistance to, 3:165, 3:290291 discovery, 3:290 Antibodies, 3:122123, 3:263264 Antiferromagnetism, 2:332, 2:334 See also Magnetism Antihistamines, 3:267 Antimony, 1:226 Antioxidants, 1:294, 3:91 Antipater of Thessalonica, 2:163 Ants, 3:349, 3:349350, 3:386, 3:388 Apatosaurus, 3:184 Aphids, 3:388 Apis mellifera scutellata, 3:211 Apnea, 3:310 Apple tree stomata, 4:388 Forex money trading forum, 1:374 Cumulative General Subject Index SCIENCE OF EVERYDAY THINGS VOLUME 4: REAL-LIFE EARTH SCIENCE 451 342 Chapter 5: Integration y y f(x) 0a bx (a) y y f(x) 0a bx (b) Finer partitions create collections of rectangles with thinner bases that approx- imate the region between the graph of ƒ and the x-axis with increasing accuracy.

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