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Points of E F(23): y2 x3 x 1 Point Order Point Order Point Order Point Order (0,1) 28 (9,16) 28 (7,11) 14 (13,16) 7 (0,22) 28 (18,3) 28 (7,12) 14 (17,3) 7 (1,7) 28 (18,20) 28 (12,4) 14 (17,20) 7 (1,16) 28 (19,5) 28 (12,19) 14 (11,3) 4 (3,10) 28 (19,18) 28 (5,4) 7 (11,20) 4 (3,13) 28 (6,4) 14 (5,19) 7 (4,0) 1 (infinity) (9,7) 28 (6,19) 14 (13,7) 7 Figure 8-4.

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