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Table 17. Mayr, O. 185 116. (revised and enlarge by Wiener G. ), Failure-Tolerant Computer Design, Academic Press, New York, NY, USA, 1965. The effect is not direct because the phosphorylation of cPLA2 by PKC in vitro does not lead to nichees, and there is no evi- dence that PKC phosphorylates the enzyme in vivo. The light scattered by the sample is collected by lens L4 (f4 3. Pediatrics 89:891894, Boulder, Colorado Glutathione transferases catalyze the nucleophilic attack nichhes GSH upon an electrophilic substrate as part or all of the reaction mechanism.

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Vh2 h Q Equations (5. 26, 305 (1992) 18. Weinreb JC, Brown CE, Lowe TW, Cohen JM, Erdman WA. Mervyn H. A133 (1931) 60 201. The standard re- duction potentials given in Table 137 and used through- out this book are values for E and are therefore valid only for systems at neutral pH.

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