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The rate of suc- cessful hemostasis by embolization is reported to be identical in blunt and penetrating injuries (Velmahos et al.Thomas, F. Ther. Int32).

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See Human immunodeficiency virus-associated dementia spongiform bovine, 403, 408, 410 transmissible, 403 Endocannabinoids, 113 Endocannibalism, ritualistic, 403, 404, 409 Endocytosis, adsorptive, 2526 Endomorphins, 486 β-Endorphin, 484, 485, 552 β-Endorphins, 531 Endothelial cells, cerebral, 23, 24 brain microvascular, 302, 691, 695, 696, 698699 insulin receptors and transporters of, 27 Endothelins, release from astrocytes, 74 Enkephalins expression and functions of, 484 release from astrocytes, 74 Enlimomab, 438439 Enterovirus infections, 257 Ependymal cells, 15, 18, 7071 Epidermal growth factor, 184, 290 family of, 184 in neurogenesis, 446, 451, 452, 454 release from astrocytes, 74 Epidermal growth factor receptors, 156 in neurogenesis, 452 Epigenomics, 732 Epilepsy.

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