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Atlas of world art. 2001. Appendix 1 INSTRUMENT A TION Suzanne Nelson TABLE A12 EXPANDED LIST OF INSTRUMENTATION Flute needles (straight, tapered) Foreign body forceps, assorted Gonio lens Haptic cutters Healon Infusion cannulas, assorted (4 mm, 6 mm) Infusion contact lens, assorted Instruments to implant IOL Instruments to remove IOL Intraocular forceps, assorted Intraocular gases and filters Intraocular scissors, assorted Iris retractors PFCL Plug forceps Retinal tacks and forceps Retractors, assorted Scleral buckles, assorted Scleral depressors Scleral plugs Silicone oil Subretinal instruments TKPs, assorted Tonometer Trephines to correspond to TKP size TABLE A13 MACHINES Cryo machine with assorted probes Laser machine with IBO attachments and assorted probes Ultrasonography machine (B scan) Vitrectomy machine and disposable accessory packs 413 346 Chapter 10 Anti-c-erbB4 mouse monoclonal antibody was obtained from Labvision (Fremont, CA 94539, USA; Cat.

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