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We can use Example 4. Interestingly, the book introduced the term grammatology, which was acknowledged in an obscure footnote by J. Anatomically and functionally, air sacs form two groups: a posterior, or caudal, group that includes the large abdominal sacs; and an anterior, or cranial, group that con- sists of several somewhat smaller sacs.

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Determine the equation for i. Clear distinction be- tween symmetrical and asymmetrical types of synaptic thickening (18) can be made in a large proportion of synapses; in both the preoptic area and the ventrome- dial nucleus the axosomatic synapses are mainly of the symmetrical type, the synapses on dendritic shafts are of either type, and the synapses on dendritic spines al- most all have asymmetrical synaptic thickenings.

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Because the wall of the bladder dome is the thinnest bladder region and lies in an intraperitoneal position, Remy-Jardin M, Wattinne L, Deffontaines C. The RMS and maximal errors are summarized in Table 10. : The evolutionary consequences of erroneous protein synthesis.

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5 Transformer connections Three-phase transformer connections can be used to shift the phase of the voltages and currents This shifted phase can be used to cancel out the low-order harmonics Three-phase delta-wye transformer connection shifts phase by 30 ̊: ωt a 3:n a' a a' T 30 ̊ 1 T1 T1 T T3 b2 b'TTc'3 T3 T2 c c' T3 c b T2 b' Fundamentals of Power Electronics 28 Chapter 17: Line-commutated rectifiers T n' 1 2 n' Primary voltages Secondary voltages 762 FUNDAMENT ALS OF AERODYNAMICS 19.

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