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See Infections Inferior vena cava, 2:173 Infertility, 3:58 gonorrhea, 4:107 meiosis, 3:69 pelvic inflammatory disease, 4:109 reproductive technologies for, 4:6062 Inflammation as nonspecific defense, 3:138, 139 pain from, 3:171 Inflorescences, 2:93 Influenza, 4:186 Informed consent, 1:152 Ingenhousz, Jan, 1:199200, 2:198, 3:7 Ingestion, 1:219 in randd, 3:89 of poisons, 3:225 Ingram, Verne, 3:117 Inhalation, 3:225, 4:65 Inheritance early research, 2:189192 in evolutionary theory, 1:199, 2:45, 195196 genes in, 2:117119, 123, 127128 in genetic diseases, 2:136, 139 mitochondria and, 3:98 natural selection and, 3:121 See also Genetics; Patterns of inheritance Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), 4:146 Initiation complex, 4:15 Initiation factors, 4:15 Initiation, in protein synthesis, 4:13, 1416 Injuries.

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