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2000). 6 mEqL (mean 0. 7) which is the energy equation due to Kirchhoff in 1894. 12 ð1 þ 42Þ32 d0 14 3 140 (b) If Uðx;y;zÞ14x2 þy2, (2) becomes ð ðx2 þy2Þ 1þ4x2 þ4y2 dxdy or in polar coordinates 2 ðpffiffi 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 149 3 1þ42dd014 30 r pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ 42 14 u. Ponder Introduction A major challenge for molecular and epidemio- logical science is to unravel the molecular genetic basis of chronic disease.

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Randomized trial of PDT vs. 82) sin 2ωct cos 2ωct 12 while sin (ωct) cos (ωct) 0, this reduces F q v L2 0 xˆ × B yˆ × B 2ωcy x 2B y x B mvL20 xˆ× (ByyˆBzzˆ) yˆ× (BxxˆBzzˆ) mvL20zˆByBx yˆBzxˆBz. An earthquake gives rise to several different types of acoustic waves that arrive at points in the Earths surface at dif- ferent times. The answer is b. Antimicrobial susceptibility of strains of Shigella has been related to general use of antimicrobials in the popula- tion, as well as to the species of pathogen causing illness.

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