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Trauma patients having cervical collars, whether from spine injury or from an uncleared spine, pose a particular challenge for internal jugular venous access. (a) Equator Black African Rhino Present distribution Former distribution (b) FIGURE 31.

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63) to give the result where now ÿ1 _ an1 ÿA fn1 Can1 Man1 18X69 A 2 M21CK 2 t2 2 t which again on using Eqs (18.

Lawli GF, Cuencas R, Selby D, McCoy CE (1989) The devel- opment of the Dallas pain questionnaire. Policy file is loaded from the libsecurity directory of the JRE installa- tion directory.

0 between the peaks due to fentanyl and impurity D; if necessary, adjust the concentration of acetonitrile in the mobile phase or adjust the time programme for the linear gradient elution. Cancer is generally understood to be a multistage process, R. Davis, D. A further Standing Com- mittee review follows the EMEA reply. Invasive staging of lung cancer is part of the clinical staging work-up (cTNM) and typically includes bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy, or other intrathoracic staging, as well as the complementary pathologic and histologic examinations that are done before definitive surgical resection.

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