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See Low-density lipoproteins LDPs. This in turn is modified by custom and practice which explains why there is local and, sometimes, national and international variation in recommendations for some common indications such as community-acquired pneumonia and bacterial meningitis. (a) Verify that {X2 cXY, XY} is a minimal Gro ̈bner basis of I relative to the lexicographic ordering for any choice of c.

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,n). Take a number, Y. 1984, 77, 255264. 15 Change of basis and similarity transformations Throughout this chapter we have considered the vector x as a geometrical quantity that is independent of any basis (or coordinate system). Science 284:1479, 1999. The major antigens are shown in Table 4. Various protozoa of insects and ®sh received a great deal of attention at this time.

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Extraction cell. The overall scattering process can be rewritten as Vo(t) 14 eRT(t)0t Hpe(rc, r, t)0r s(r, t) (8:15c) Vo(f) 14 ERT(f)Hpe(rc, r, f)S(r, f) (8:15d) As an example of how this approach may be used, consider a mirror placed at the eudo plane of a circularly symmetric transducer where zm 14 F.

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