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Clude some fracture-dislocations that cause signifi- cant distortion of ankle anatomy. During the post-war years, these groups diversified into electronic gadgeteering, focusing at first on recording bioelectric signals such as nerve- and muscle-action potentials, and then analyzing them using various electronic techniques.

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(1976) Filaroides hirthi: experimental transmission among beagle dogs through inges- tion of first-stage larvae. EUS-guided FNA of suspected liver metastases in patients with gastric cancer has also been described, although data are currently limited in this regard (37). Acta Orthop Scand. Furthermore, too many large clusters of cells suggest a diagnosis of malignancy, particularly in pleural effusions, although again, not every case has this feature (19).

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KINTZIOS Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece INTRODUCTION Since only a few sage species are being intensely cultivated, there is a rather scarce, scientifically documented information on the interaction of Salvia plants with different environmental components, in particular stress factors potentially related to physiological disorders.

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(r:. Therefore, if the sphere and cylinder are repre- sented as the level surfaces obtained by setting ƒsx,y,zdx2 y2 z2 fforex and gsx,y,zdx2 -z2 -1 On this part, x z2 1 z On this part, x z2 1 x x1 forex s60v3 the points (x, y, z) on s60b3 hyperbolic cylinder x2 - z2 1 are selected excludestheband -1 6 x 6 1inthe xy-plane (Example 2). From this the processor is diverted to attend to any input or control actions.

; Geneˆt, J. A poultice of the leaves is tied over a wounded body part as a coagulant forex s60v3 an antiseptic. 6 11. 37b. Thornpsorijonathan Turk 423: bottom, J. Numerous treatments have been tried, including various types of physical therapies, analgesic medication, anti- depressants, minor tranquillizers, anticonvulsants (carbamazepine) and psychological treatments including hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. (E) Fixed muscle samples are transected in the mid-belly region.

Although the drug was approved for MAC prophylaxis in the United States and for the treatment of tuberculosis in several other countries, it now is used primarily as a substitute for rifampin in patients who cannot use that drug be- cause of drug drug interactions [17]. 1304 104 BT. If we are only interested in the behavior of the system for t0, 1, 2. The DNA double-strand break repair gene hMRE11 is mutated in individuals with an ataxia-telangiectasia-like disorder. In a blank worksheet, all the columns and rows are the same standard width and height.

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