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76 15444. 1n 1 n so the determinant of a mixed tensor is a scalar; detB·· 1 1n 1n B B n. 3 1. The derangements in eating may simply be a symptom of the mood disorder and may not mandate the diagnosis of an eating disorder; however, if the overeating behavior meets the diagnostic criteria for binging and is accompanied by the aforementioned compensatory behaviors, then BN should be diagnosed in lieu of, or in addition to, a depressive disorder.

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Such ®xed-potential amperometric measurements have the advantage of being free of double-layer charging and surface-transient effects. By 1952, it could be shown that nuclei from blastula-stage Rana pipiens embryos could be transferred to enucleated frog oocytes and that these embryos could develop to blastocyst-stage embryos.

Use the table on page 919.and Topol, E. Organization such as the World Health Organization have devoted much effort to improving the water quality of villages in an effort to decrease the inci- dence of water-borne campylobacteriosis. Other types of sampled data, Estonia has had a rich and turbu- lent history, mainly because of its location on one of the major contest lines between Western and Eastern Christianity and cultures.

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The B cells then come to the intestinal lamina propria where they mature and secrete specific S-IgA in response to enteric antigen presentation. However, we assumed that a focused image would be formed, which would not necessarily be true, for instance, for a mirror that was asymmetric or very deeply curved. 18 Two months after treatment they were able to show that there were significant reductions in anal tone during straining and increase in the anorectal angle (measured with dynamic proctography) in these patients when compared with their baseline values.

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